Launch API


The Splio Launch API provides resources for Splio Customers or partners to send an email to a specific list. The email content is fetched from an authorized URL (see below) provided to the API. If every parameter is valid, the email is sent immediately to all contacts of each specified list and/or filter. Once this is done you cannot modify the message or cancel the sending process. The process can however be paused from Splio if there are still un-queued mails.


Before the API can be used the following configuration needs to be done:

  • Creating a key for the API: this is done by Splio on demand and given to the customer.
  • Creating a domain whitelist: the customer provides Splio with a complete list of all domains that may be used in the contents URL and these domains are added to the whitelist of the customer's universe. All other domains will be rejected by the API, for security reasons.



All the parameters except list and group are mandatory. However, you must provide at least one list, one group, or one file.

universeThe ID of the Marketing Automation universeMandatory
keyAuthentication key generated during API setupMandatory
listNumeric ID or list of IDs (comma-separated) of the targeted list(s). The ID is the number in the column before the name on the Marketing Automation > Data > Lists pageOptional
filterNumeric ID or list of IDs (comma-separated) of the targeted filter(s). The id is the number in the column before the name on the Marketing Automation / Target / Filters pageOptional
fileNumeric id or list of ids (comma-separated) of the targeted files (9 characters)Optional
urlURL where the content of sent email is fetched. The title of the page will be used as the message's subjectMandatory
senderemailSender's emailMandatory
sendernameSender's nameMandatory
replytoValue of the message's reply to header (undefined by default)Optional
starttimeDate at which the campaign should be sent. If in the past, the email will be sent immediately. The format must be the following: yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS (time must be GMT, the API takes care of the conversion)Mandatory
opcodeOperation code for the generated campaignOptional
categoryOptional category for the generated campaign

&[email protected]


Response Format

Data returned in response messages is always UTF-8 encoded and JSON formatted. The unique response language is English.

Error Codes & Responses

Responses are returned as JSON objects that contain code, status and message attributes. code and status are the HTTP code and status response.

Examples of response

  • Example 1:
  • Example 2:
{"code":404,"status":"Not Found","message":"specified resource does not exist"}

List of responses

  • 200 - OK, note an email will be sent if there are any optin contacts in the specified set resulting from lists and filter parameters
  • 400 - there is something wrong with the provided parameters (missing, incorrect format, invalid universe/key/URL, URL domain not in whitelist...). See the returned message for more information.
  • 500 - Internal Server Error, Something is broken, please contact Splio.