User dimension (mandatory)
- "user" is a generic term, can be a customer or a prospect
- Primary key is
Fields list
Field name | Type | Kind | Definition | Value example |
user_id | String | Mandatory | The id uniquely identifying a user in your information system. Can be an integer or an alphanumeric value. | 268745C |
firstname | String | Recommended | The user's firstname. | John |
lastname | String | Recommended | The user's lastname. | Doe |
String | Recommended | The user's email address. | | |
cellphone | String | Recommended | The user's cellphone number. | +33605040302 |
language | String | Recommended | The language to be used for messages personnalization. Splio uses ISO-639-1 as a reference. | fr |
date_of_birth | Date | Recommended | The user's date of birth. | 1992-11-14 |
registration_datetime | Datetime | Recommended | The “business” creation date of the user record. First time the user was registered in contact with the brand. Not to be confused with the creation date in the client’s information system (that can differ from the previous one in case of past system migrations, or database initialization) | 2022-04-13T18:34:26+01:00 |
registration_origin | String | Optional | The user acquisition origin | Newsletter registration |
registration_store_id | String | Optional | The store which registered firt the user | 457 |
attachment_store | String | Optional | The store the user is currently attached to | 457 |
consent_{service} | Boolean | Mandatory | The value of the consent to a given kind of communications (here called “service”, see below for further details). | 1 |
consent_{service}_datetime | Datetime | Mandatory | The date and time the consent value changed (consent collected or revoked) | 2022-06-29T18:34:26+01:00 |
actionable | Boolean | Optional | Can be used as to restrict actionability to a sub-scope of the database (ie case of a test period, flagging users that shouldn’t be contacted - whatever the reason). If present, can take 2 possible values : 0 = the user is not actionable 1 = the user is actionable depending on its consent values | 0 |
gender | String | Recommended | Example values: F(emale) / M(ale) / Other | M |
title | String | Optional | Example values: Mr / Mrs / Miss / … | Mr |
address_1 | String | Optional | The first line for the user's address | |
address_2 | String | Optional | The second line for the user's address | |
postal_code | String | Optional | The postal code for the for the user's address | 29200 |
city | String | Optional | The city for the user's address | Brest |
country | String | Optional | The country for the user | France |
country_code | String | Recommended | The country code for the user, according ISO-3166 (alpha-2 codes) | FR |
last_activity_datetime | Datetime | Recommended | If provided, can be taken into account for GDPR inactive contacts deletion (or else deletion will be only based on the informations known by Splio - purchase, emails clics...). | 2022-08-15T06:34:26+01:00 |
first_purchase_datetime | Datetime | Recommended | Can be taken into account in business dashboards as to remediate situations when Splio doesn't have all purchase historical data, and basing business dashboards on truncated purchases history is not acceptable. | 2022-08-15T00:00:00+01:00 |
custom_segment | String | Optional | Any segmentation that is computed externally and that the client is interested in making available in Splio solutions (e.g. for targeting purpose) in addition to segmentations computed by Splio. | vip_customer |
business_unit | String | Optional | In case of a multi-BU setup. The business unit the user is attached to. | |
{custom attribute} | Any type | Optional | Any other user related field of interest to making it available in Splio solutions. | |
updated_at | Datetime | Mandatory | The datetime of the record last update in the source information system | 2022-08-15T06:34:26+01:00 |
inserted_at | Datetime | Mandatory | The datetime of the record creation in the source information system | 2022-02-29T18:34:26+01:00 |
Consent informations
Concepts and definitions:
- a user is consenting to receive a certain type of communication on a given channel
- service is the term choosen as to designate a "certain type of communication on a given channel"
- Few service examples -> "Commercial emails", "Commercial sms", "Weekly email newsletter, "Partner emails"
Starting from that, consent information is exchanged around a collection of field pairs included in the user object, as to express consent for each operated service. Field names have to be named according this convention:
Field name | Type | Kind | Definition | Example value |
consent_{service} | Boolean | Mandatory | The value of the consent to a given kind of communications (here called “service”,see below for further details). | 1 |
consent_{service}_datetime | Datetime | Mandatory | The date and time the consent value changed (consent collected or revoked) | 2022-06-29T18:34:26+01:00 |
The list of operated services and associated field names in the user object needs to be defined with your Project Manager during setup.
Updated 4 months ago