Splio Limpidius Connector
Bidirectional connector between e-receipts of your customers and their Loyalty Cards in the Mobile Wallets apps.
Provided by: Splio & Partner
Connector type: Source & Destination
Third-party system: E-receipt
Required license or add-on: "Mobile Wallets"
Limpidius is a SaaS platform providing e-receipts for retail brands.
The Limpidius connector with Splio Mobile Wallets enables:
- the access to all the e-receipts from the Loyalty Cards (Pass) in Apple Wallet, Google Wallet or Samsung Wallet
- the Add to Mobile Wallets call to action from each e-receipt
Users in Limpidius and Splio Mobile Wallets need to have a shared client identifier (the most straight-forward setup is when Splio Mobile Wallets externalId is stored in Limpidius).
Add to Mobile Wallets link in Limpidius
When a store is equipped with Limpidius, the customer is proposed after purchasing if he or she wishes to access their e-receipt. It can be by scanning a QR-code or receiving an email. The email and the e-receipt contain an Add to Mobile Wallets call to action.
This is helpful to expand your Mobile Wallets Passes distribution strategy by making your customers subscribe to your loyalty program then add their Loyalty Card to their Mobile Wallet app (and if they are already members, just add it).
Receipts history at the back of the Mobile Wallet pass
Once the Limpidius x Splio Mobile Wallets connector activated, you will be able to display the access to all the e-receipts in the Pass Details section.
Updated 3 months ago