Splio Magento 2 module by Home-made.io


Provided by: Partner
Connector type: Source
Third-party system: E-commerce
Required license: "Marketing Automation" or "Marketing Automation + CDP"

This connector helps you to integrate all data from your Magento 2 / Adobe Commerce e-commerce easily to Splio, including contacts, sales data, and Loyalty data if you are using this product. The current version allows you to integrate the contacts, orders, and abandoned carts, including the products and the lines attached to the orders carts. If you are using Loyalty, the connector allows you also to display your Loyalty program in your Magento e-commerce thanks to the Loyalty Web Kit.

The connector has been built by our partner Home-made.io.
Please take a look at their pricing on the marketplace and on their documentation on their website.


To understand properly how the connector works, here are a few Magento concepts definitions.

  • Website - the brand domain and full product catalog
  • Storeview - a localized website in a specific language and with a currency

To know more about sites, stores, and view scopes, please read this article on Adobe documentation.

  • Product types (6 in total, but only three interesting in the context of the connector)
    • Simple products - can be sold individually or as part of a configurable, or bundle product.
    • Configurable products - single products with a drop-down list of each variation. Each variation is a simple product, with a separate SKU.
    • Bundle products - A bundle is a build-your-own, customizable product, based on a list of items corresponding to simple and other types of products.

Before starting

In Splio

You can link one or several Splio universes to your Magento account. Each universe can be linked to one or several Magento websites.

You need to have one list in your universe: one for the email consent, one for SMS (optional) and you can add a third one (optional) for all customers, which can be useful for transactional and Loyalty emails.

Last but not least, you must create one store in Splio for each of the Magento Store views you want to synchronize.

In Magento

The Magento versions compatible with this connector are available on Adobe Marketplace page, in the technical specifications.


The most important decision you need to make before the setup of the module is the key choice for each of the tables imported from Magento to Splio.

Contacts - for this table, you have three choices:

  • Choosing the email as the key for the contact table implies that Splio is acting as your master database, reconciling data between your POS and Magento. This also means that between the POS and Magento, the last writing in Splio replaces the content of the fields completed by the other sources.
  • Choosing the Magento ID means that Magento is your only data source for Splio.
  • Choosing a custom attribute (such as a master ID) from Magento implies that there is a data flow between your ERP and Magento and that the ERP is the master database.

Products - for this table, you can choose any field included in all your systems and Splio. The most logical and common is often the SKU.

Data Synchronization scope

When the connector is active, the following tables will be imported from Magento to Splio:



If you update a contact, all the fields are filled with new values. Please ensure that no data is deleted during these updates.
Please note that the connector does not push back unsubscription data from Splio to Magento. This flow must be handled on your side.

Orders and abandoned carts

Please note that the connector handles refunds, meaning negative orders, which is especially important for Loyalty use cases.
The orders imported from Magento to Splio have a total_amount which does not include the shipping amount.

Order lines linked to the orders and abandoned carts

Products included in the order lines, if not already existing in Splio.

The details of the custom fields added for each table is available in our partner's documentation.

Loyalty Web Kit

If you are using Loyalty in addition to Marketing Automation, you can integrate a user space into your Magento e-commerce using the Loyalty Web Kit. This will allow your members to interact with the Loyalty program directly on your e-commerce.

This possibility is handled by an additional connector, soon available in the marketplace. It represents an additional cost.


The connector between the Loyalty Web Kit and Magento includes the reward grant, but not the reward usage (burn).


To get support on the Magento connector, you can reach out to our partner Home-made.io via their contact form or by email at the address [email protected].