Splio Airship Connector


Provided by: Splio
Connector type: destination
Third-party system: Activation platform - App
Splio scope: Predictive CDP


Airship allows you to execute your campaigns to your customer base on your application, via push notifications, SMS, and other channels. In order to connect the right audiences to these campaigns, Splio has developed a connector.

When you create a campaign in Airship, the Splio audiences will automatically appear in your Lists.


To learn more about App keys and master secret, please read Airship dedicated article

How to get this information?

  1. Log into your Airship account.

  2. Go to Settings > API & Integrations

  1. Copy the two marked strings below (App key and App master secret).
  1. Send the strings to Splio securely (eg. password-protected file transfer, encrypted SMS, etc.).


Once this information has been integrated on our side, you can create campaigns in Airship and automatically see any audiences you have exported from Splio. They will appear directly in the pull-down menu for Lists > Uploaded Lists.