Activation steps


This article provides you with an overview of all the steps to activate Splio Customer Platform depending on your offering.

Marketing Automation

  • Choose the primary key
  • Share use cases and relationship marketing plan
  • Data In Methods
  • Validate data mapping by table (contacts, products, stores, tickets, ticket lines)
  • Integrate data into Splio Marketing Automation
  • Data testing and audit validation
  • Set up SMTP relay
  • Set up Trigger API
  • Set up unsubscribe exports
  • Training follow-up


Preparation for the Ramp-up

  • DNS record
  • Choose the "sender" & "reply to"
  • Import behavioral data
    • Format: CSV – UTF8 encoding
    • Column 1: primary key name and one ID per line
    • Column 2: last_open_date: in YYYY-MM-DD format
    • Column 3: last_click_date: in YYYY-MM-DD format
  • Import the blacklist:
    • Single column with the header "email"
      • Format: CSV – UTF8 encoding
      • Process: integrate the "custom blacklist" via data -> blacklist email -> Actions button -> import into email blacklist
  • Create the first campaigns (ramp-up)
    • Create filters
    • Import/create design
  • Validate the ramp-up schedule (according to the relationship marketing plan)
  • Monitor KPIs