Google Cloud Storage


Provided by: Splio
Connector type: destination
Third-party system: data management
Available for Splio
ā€¢ License: Only for MA + CDP License with Identity Resolution
ā€¢ Add-ons: Predictive AI, Identity Resolution


The Splio GCS (Google Cloud Storage) connector lets you store the audiences built in Custom Audience Filter in one of your GCS buckets. The goal is to centralize your audiences in GCS, and then be able to distribute them in other tools.

Once the connector is ready, you can select GCS as a destination for your audiences exports.

Please note that an automatic export of the audience is launched for each of your campaigns in Splio CDP / Predictive AI / CRM Copilot.


To be able to use this connector, you need first to:

  • have a Splio account
  • have a GCS account

Setup Process

The setup process is very similar to the one described in the Data import methods guide in the Big Query (via service account) section. To sum it up:

  • your Technical Account Manager will create a Google Service Account.
  • you need to create a GCS bucket and give writing access to the Splio Service Account. The process to give access to a service account on your dataset is explained here.
  • once this is done, a CSV file will be dropped on your bucket every time you export an audience.