Purchase event (mandatory)


  • An item of the product catalog.
  • The primary key is product_id.
  • ℹ️ It is most important to add custom attributes to describe your products in details (see below).

Fields list

Field nameTypeKindDefinitionValue example
product_idStringMandatoryThe product identifier1864
referenceStringOptionalThe product reference (independently of its variation; by size, color…). It is a field that can be used to target users who have purchased a given product model.CITY-JACKET
nameStringMandatoryThe product name, used for display in Splio solutions and messages personalization."City" jacket, XS size
descriptionStringRecommendedThe product description. Can be simple text, or HTML depending on intended use in messages personnalization.

Our iconic "City" jacket, ….

category{N}_idStringMandatoryFor each product categorization level, from 1 to N, the category id. There must be at least 1 categorization level.12
category{N}_labelStringMandatoryFor each product categorization level, from 1 to N, the category label.Men's clothing
base_currencyStringMandatoryShould be equal to the tenant main currencyEUR
priceDecimalRecommendedThe price in the base currency69.90
price_{currency}DecimalOptionalIn case you are operating in more than one currency, provide the product price in every currency used (including the base currency)71.50
urlStringRecommendedThe default URL for the product on the websitehttps://mysuperstore.fr/…
image_urlStringRecommendedThe URL for the default product image to be used in messages personnalizationshttps://mysuperstore.fr/…
{custom attribute}Any typeOptionalAny other product-related attribute of interest to making it available in Splio solutions.
inserted_atDatetimeMandatoryThe datetime of the record creation in the source information system2022-02-29T18:34:26+01:00
updated_atDatetimeMandatoryThe datetime of the record last update in the source information system2022-08-15T06:34:26+01:00

Custom attributes

For customer knowledge and optimal predictive results, it is most important to add custom fields to finely describe your products. These can include: brand, color, theme, gender, season, material, pattern, ... (inspiration list, review product attributes available in your source product catalog and pick the relevant ones to define your products according to your business specificities).

Think also of product attributes required for messages personalization uses. E.g. depending on your email templates, you might need more than one image_url.

Finally, it can also be of interest to include other technical product identifiers that may be of any use to interact with other external systems, such as sku, ean, gtin, isbn, etc...