Splio TikTok Ads connector


Provided by: Splio
Connector type: Destination
Third-party system: Ads
Required license: "Marketing Automation + CDP" or "Predictive AI (previously TinyClues)"


Early access feature

Please note that this is accessible only through an early access program. As such, it may be subject to changes, including additions, modifications, or removals, as we continue to refine and optimize the product. If you are interested to join the early access program, please reach out to early-access@splio.com or to your Splio contact and feel free to share any feedback.



Please make sure you store the app secret and app id while creating the developer app for further use


TikTok connector allows you to use audiences built with Custom Audience in TikTok ads Manager Custom Audience.


Before you use the Marketing API, we need to first get authorization from the clients to manage their accounts.


  1. On TikTok API For Business portal, navigate to My Apps, and click the app that you want to request authorization for. In the Basic Information section, find the advertiser authorization URL.

  1. We can enter the authorization URL in the browser. Then will be navigated to a list of permissions that we selected while creating our developer application.

  1. Review the permissions, agree to the Platform Service Agreement, and click Confirm. A verification window will pop up asking us to verify the email address or phone number, depending on the way we sign up.


In situations where the system identifies your request as abnormal, a toast message signifying the failure of authorization will appear. Please try again later.

  1. Once the verification is completed, we will then be redirected to the redirect URL that we specified when creating the developer application. The authentication code is appended to the redirect URL.
  2. We can locates the callback URL, and use it to generate a access token.
  3. With the auth_code present in the callback url, we can make a POST request to the /oauth2/access_token/ endpoint to get a long-term access token. we also need to supply the app_id and secret of our developer application in the request.


The auth_code is only valid for 1 hour and can be used only once. After the auth_code expires, you need to start over and perform the authorization steps again.