
Get the list of your Loyalty program's tiers.


This method is useful only if your loyalty program is tiered.


Get the details of all the tiers of your Loyalty program.


Returns a Promise containing an array of tiers object. Example:

    downgrade_threshold: 0,
    entry_threshold: 0,
    image_url: '{{image_url}}',
    is_point_based: true,
    multiplier_nqpoints: 1,
    multiplier_qpoints: 1,
    name: 'Bronze',
    rank: 1,
    benefits: ['-10% toutes les 2 commandes', 'Avantage anniversaire : 100 points offerts'],
    downgrade_threshold: 99,
    entry_threshold: 100,
    image_url: '{{image_url}}',
    is_point_based: true,
    multiplier_nqpoints: 1.75,
    multiplier_qpoints: 1.5,
    name: 'Silver',
    rank: 2,

Code example

splioSDK.getTiers().then((tiers) => {
  console.log('Number of tiers:', tiers.length);