Get the universe points list with cursors.
Error cases
Wrong cursor - see dedicated doc (400)
Wrong operator in search (400)
"error_key": "id_individual",
"error": "invalid_operator",
"error_description": "begins_with isn't allowed for key id_individual. Use one of equals,not equals,contains,begins,ends"
Contact unique_key (in search, query param) not found (404)
"status": 404,
"errors": {
"error_key": null,
"error": "not_found",
"error_description": "unique_key \"key_0\" not found in splio3_data.qa03"
Program name (in search, query param) does not exist (404)
"error_key": "program_name",
"error": "invalid_program_name",
"error_description": "program_name not found"